21 Good Reasons to Give Yoga a Try

Just some of the many benefits on the Magical Practice of Yoga. & Meditation:
- builds muscle strength,
- improves your flexibility,
- protects your spine & perfects your posture,
- prevents cartilage and joint break down,
- increases your bone health & prevents fractures,
- increases your blood flow and delivers more oxygen to your cells,
- increases your breathing and breath awareness,
- increases your lung capacity to breath deeper,
- booths your immune system and drains your lymphs,
- helps dropping your blood pressure and increases the heart rate,
- lowers the blood sugar and regulates your adrenal glands,
- improves your balance,
- helps your focus and makes you a lot more happier,
- balances and maintains your nervous system,
- supports your connective tissue and releases tension in your limbs,
- helps you sleep deeper,
- improves your digestion and helps prevent IBS along with other digestive problems,
- increases your self-esteem and gives you peace of mind,
- keeps allergies and viruses away and helps to clear your sinus,
- cultivates your inner strength and self-love,
- sets you in a positive pass of awareness for an overall transformational healing.