Yoga Professional Courses

Are you ready for a teacher tranning?

Embark on a life changing journey! If you have been considering becoming a Certified Yoga Instructor this is the perfect time to embark on your journey!

Our Wisdom Yoga Teacher’s Training Program is a comprehensive and well-rounded six-month program which focuses on the fundamentals of Yoga Anatomy and postural alignment as well as Yoga Philosophy, Asanas, Pranayama or breath work, and various methods of Guided Meditations, Drishtis and Hand Mudras.

We will be covering various topics from the Ethics of being a Yoga Instructor, to the business aspects of yoga, the legalities of the practice, as well as Sanskrit Terminology, etc.

A Yoga Teacher’s training can be an intense, and profound personal as well as professional journey. You can expect to finish the program with the ability to teach a Vinyasa in Sanskrit, and English Asana names as well as a Yin Yoga pose with the Yin Terminology.

Our group classes meet for 6 weekends once per month.

Private 200-hour training Is available, and is tailored to your needs & schedule.

Please call (561.386.6086) or e-mail ( for more information.

Link for 200 hour Professional Course application

In the Completion of this course, you will be get a 200 hour professional teacher certificate from the Yoga Alliance of America.

▪ In this training you will learn:

   ▪ Techniques, Training and Practice

   ▪ Teaching Methodology

   ▪ Anatomy & Physiology

   ▪ Yoga Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle

   ▪ Practicum


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